Hello Friends,
Bill Dance here, and I know as well as anyone that a day of bass fishing without a nibble isn't just disappointing - it's down right embarrassing! Hey, you might feel helpless right now, but it’s probably not your fault!
The truth is, without really understanding bass instincts, water conditions, weather and baits , at times you're lucky if you catch anything at all. But now, my Complete Bass Fishing Course can help you fish like a PRO!
******************The complete course contains...******************
12 complete DVDs so you can see every detail and...
12 audio CDs to listen to in your car and truck so you can learn on the move.

Your course includes more than 20 hours of information in all. Unlike others that just give you only bits and pieces, Bill really explains and shows you his tried and true methods of bass fishing!
"Here's just a little of what you'll learn in the first few lessons..."
How far do largemouth bass travel from home?
Do bass live in schools, or are they loners and why?
Do flavored lures really work?
What are the preferred spawning habits of Largemouth Bass?
What are the best food sources at different times?
Do bass that live in deep water have a different personality?
How do the solar and lunar cycles change fishing conditions?
Can bass forecast the weather, days in advance?
Do largemouth bass really have high IQs?
How do the different colors of your lures affect Bass?
Can bass can tell the water temperature?
How does bass metabolism affect their habits?
What are the differences between structures and covers?
How you can benefit by using a lake map and depth finder?
***There's lots, lots more...
*********"BILL'S 100% IRON CLAD GUARANTEE" *********
Your Bill Dance Complete Bass Fishing Course is absolutely 100% GUARANTEED to INCREASE your Bassin’ Success in your FIRST YEAR or we'll refund your full purchase price! It's as simple as that. So what are you waiting on? Get Started Right Now!
Get Your Bill Dance Complete Bass Fishing Course Right Now!