How Can a BRAIN the Size of a Pea Be So ELUSIVE?
Since man first began his quest for food and found that the water swimmers tasted so good, the fight for supremacy between man and fish has been raging in water puddles around the world! The sad fact is that neither side has been able to claim total victory in this planet-wide battle. Man, with his large brain and ability to reason, would appear to have the upper hand in this momentous confrontation. But alas, he has yet to totally figure out the wiles and ways of the lowly water-dweller. Fish, for all their seemingly lack of intelligence, appear at every turn to be able to control the upper hand. Even after the food quest was lost, the fish also win when it comes to earning money for the determined fisherman. For how many times has a professed professional been snubbed by the very species that by every account should be totally controlled by this very practised and intelligent being? For all of our supposed superiority, we should raise our hands and salute this primal entity that so easily and soundly has proven to be the more highly evolved species!!!!!